Brooklyn Center reaches settlement with Daunte Wright's family for $3.25 million
The city of Brooklyn Center will pay $3.25 million to the family of Daunte Wright, the Black man who was killed by police during a traffic stop last year.
The city has also agreed to change policies and police officer training related to making traffic stops for equipment violations that do not interfere with the safety of the driver, passenger or members of the community, according to a statement from lawyers representing Wright's family released Tuesday night.
The monetary agreement is believed to be the third-largest civil rights wrongful death settlement of its kind in the Minnesota and the largest such settlement for a city in Minnesota outside Minneapolis, lawyers representing the family said.
Wright's family members "hope and believe the measures of change to policing, policies and training will create important improvements to the community in Daunte's name," said co-counsel Antonio M. Romanucci of Chicago law firm Romanucci & Blandin. "Nothing can bring him back, but the family hopes his legacy is a positive one and prevents any other family from enduring the type of grief they will live with for the rest of their lives."
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