
Premises Liability Attorneys: Holding Property Owners Accountable

Illinois law requires the property owners of private property and commercial properties, such as stores, shopping malls, parking lots, walkways, stadiums, supermarkets and grocery stores to provide an environment that is safe and secure from hazards and defects. Unsafe conditions can result in so-called “slip-and-fall” and more serious accidents, leading to serious injuries, including paralysis, traumatic brain injury and wrongful death. These injuries can cause undue pain, suffering and financial burdens. Medical bills can add up from the personal injury and mental suffering caused by a premises liability case.

Experienced premises liability lawyers

The law firm of Romanucci & Blandin has extensive experience representing cases where individuals were severely injured or killed in dangerous or unsafe conditions to a property. Property owners should be held responsible for the serious and personal injury suffered. Whether from a wet or icy surface in a store, a building collapse, or porch defect, or even an animal attack or dog bite, if you have been wrongfully injured while on another’s premises, you may have a legal claim to seek remedy for your injuries from the property owner for your premises liability claim.

If you, a loved one or family members are victims of this type of accident or personal injury on a property owner's premises, we can help you fight to receive justice from the property owner. We offer a free case review and can help determine whether you have a potential claim. A lawyer has to prove that a person was injured on another person’s property, not just because of unsafe conditions but because the landowner knew the conditions were unsafe. If the property owner breaches their duty of care, they should be held responsible.

Types of premises liabilities

The following is a list of the types of premises liability practice areas and cases we handle for our clients:

  • Slip and Fall Accidents
  • Dram Shop cases
  • Stairway Accidents
  • Elevator Accidents
  • Porch and Balcony Defects
  • Building Collapse
  • Falling Merchandise
  • Fire and Smoke Injuries
  • Negligent Security
  • Property owner responsible for unsafe conditions
  • Property owner, though aware of hazardous conditions on a property, failed to correct the conditions
  • Dog bites and maulings
  • Drownings
  • Construction accidents
  • Ice & Snow hazards
  • Swimming pools and swimming pool accidents
  • Bridge collapses
  • Amusement park negligence

Your premises liability claim

The premises liability attorneys at our law firm will obtain the necessary medical records and medical bills, as well as other important records, necessary to evaluate your case. We understand that injury can cause overwhelming damage to you and be costly, both mentally, physically and financially. Property owners who have breached their duty of care should be held responsible for dangerous conditions on their property or negligence which lead to personal injury and damages.

Our premises liability lawyers are skilled in the practice area of premises liability lawsuits and research the most up-to-date premises liability statutes and hire trained and experienced experts to work as expert witnesses and consultants on your cases. We have experience with insurance companies and successfully recovering damages for injury and wrongful death cases arising out of premises liability. We will evaluate your claim, including your injury, pain and suffering, and research the relevant statute of limitations applicable to your case. Whether it is to review medical bills, insurance issues, premises liability laws, standard of care and other negligence, we work to locate and utilize the best expert witnesses and consultants across the country who are experienced in all the relevant state laws.

Free consultation with Chicago-based premises liability lawyers

The premises liability attorneys at Romanucci & Blandin have proven success in these types of cases. Please contact our office at info@rblaw.net, 312-458-1000 or click here for a free evaluation of your case. There is never a fee until you are compensated for your injuries at the end of the case. 

Disclaimer: The content found on this page is not legal assistance and contacting the premises liability lawyers at Romanucci & Blandin’s law office for a free consultation regarding personal injury cases and premises liability claims does not constitute an attorney-client relationship. 


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