
Shoulder Dystocia Legal Representation: Fighting for Justice

Shoulder dystocia is a birth injury that happens when one or both of a baby’s shoulders get stuck inside the mother’s birth canal during labor or birth. In most cases of shoulder dystocia, babies are born safely. However, this can cause severe problems for both newborns and mothers.

In the following video, Founding Partner Stephan D. Blandin discusses birth injuries and Romanucci & Blandin's experience with birth injury cases:

Types of injuries due to shoulder dystocia

Some of the injuries that newborns can sustain from shoulder dystocia such as:

  • Birth hypoxia
  • Brachial plexus injuries
  • Fractures to the baby’s clavicle or humerus
  • Infant death

There are many instances where shoulder dystocia can be prevented if medical professionals notice the warning signs. If shoulder dystocia occurs, the medical staff needs to dislodge the baby’s shoulder safely and safely. There are some risk factors that can cause shoulder dystocia, and the physician should be aware of them.

Free consultation on your case with Chicago-based shoulder dystocia lawyers

The shoulder dystocia lawyers at Romanucci & Blandin have proven success in these types of cases. If you or a loved one has suffered injury or wrongful death, please contact our office at info@rblaw.net, 312-458-1000 or click here for a free evaluation of your case. There is never a fee until you are compensated for your injuries at the end of the case. 

Disclaimer: The content found on this page is not legal assistance and contacting the birth injury lawyers at Romanucci & Blandin’s law office for a free consultation regarding personal injury cases and birth injury claims does not constitute an attorney-client relationship. 


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