Statement re: firing of school nurse by Arlington Heights Dist. 25, on behalf of our clients concerned about reckless administration of medicine
"The Arlington Heights District 25 decision to terminate Westgate Elementary School Nurse Tory Eitz is more than appropriate but far overdue. The reckless actions by District 25 disregarded the health and well-being of multiple children and put the children at risk. In our representation of multiple families in this situation, we learned that administration officials received reports of missing medication prior to April 22, 2024, and behaved recklessly in their roles. The decision by the Board of District 25 to terminate Nurse Eitz is an incomplete response, which should also include the placement of the appropriate leaders or individuals on administrative leave, a swift and complete independent, third-party investigation and a robust and clear set of improved policies and procedures to safeguard children and ensure the safe administration of medication at school.
The District 25 damage control efforts to distance themselves from the actions of Tory Eitz are simply smoke and mirrors in an effort to avoid municipal responsibility. However, as our civil investigation proceeds, we acquired evidence that District 25 leaders were very aware of concerns as far back as 2022. One official stated that concerns had been documented in the past regarding the administration of medication as well as missing medication, and apologized stating that they were sorry to have broken the trust the parents have given to care for their children.
Additionally, we demand District 25's full compliance with our Freedom of Information request this week, which asked them to disclose information regarding their policies and procedures related to the storage and administration of student medication. The District's recent claims that they value transparency seem rather disingenuous," said Gina A. DeBoni, Managing Partner Romanucci & Blandin.
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