Javier Ambler Legal Team responds to criminal acquittals of deputies involved in his death
Statement from attorneys Jeff Edwards, Ben Crump and Antonio Romanucci who represent Javier Ambler's family in civil litigation for his death by police in 2019:
"We firmly believe yesterday's acquittals were a complete affront to justice and to decent people everywhere. The decision not to convict former Williamson County sheriff's deputies Zach Camden and J.J. Johnson for the death of Javier Ambler II during a police stop is devastating to our clients who loved him very much. Further, the acquittals were in direct contradiction to what we have seen in criminal cases for other in-custody deaths while a citizen was restrained by officers, and those officers were later found guilty. Javier was held down while officers tased him and he begged for his life, telling them about his heart condition. It is stunning that we keep seeing victims being blamed for their own deaths by police. While nothing can bring Javier back, the lack of criminal accountability for what we believe was unreasonable, unnecessarily aggressive and irresponsible police conduct sends a heartbreaking message to his children as well as to the community in Travis County and the country."
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