R&B fights for survivors of Institutional Abuse and Neglect
Institutional abuse and neglect can be a life-altering experience for many – especially young children who are unfortunately often susceptible to it. This abuse can appear in many forms, including emotional and psychological injuries, physical injuries, and sexual violence.
Examples of institutional abuse cases include violations of civil rights, sexual abuse and sexual assault, bullying, hazing, sex trafficking, school abuse and clergy abuse.
In this video, the lawyers at Romanucci & Blandin share how our team is by our survivors' sides throughout the legal process, ensuring they are cared for and feel like family. While putting oneself out there can be incredibly difficult, Romanucci & Blandin has significant experience with institutional abuse lawsuits. We are very familiar with the challenges and compassion these cases require. We understand how to listen to people who have suffered from abuse, and our attorneys know how to bring some measure of justice to your life.
From abuse by a teacher or in a high school or college hazing ritual, to a priest or scout leader abuse, our team knows how the legal system works, how insurance companies and major institutions operate, and what judges, juries or mediators need to see to understand your claim. Our ultimate goal is to secure meaningful, life-changing results for our clients who have been hurt.
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